Friday, February 8, 2019

ft.lauderdale high AP bio project :: essays research papers

2) take 1 - CellsAre the basic unit of structure and design in livingthings.May serve a ad hoc function within the existenceExamples- blood cells, nerve cells, bone cells, and so ontissue LEVEL 2 - TissuesMade up of cells that are similar in structure andfunction and which fail unneurotic to perform a specificactivityExamples - blood, offensive, bone, etc. Humans have 4basic tissues connective, epithelial, muscle, andnerve.LEVEL 3 - organsMade up of tissues that work together to perform aspecific activityExamples - heart, brain, skin, etc.LEVEL4 - Organ SystemsGroups of two or more tissues that work together toperform a specific function for the organism.Examples - circulatory system, nervous system,skeletal system, etc.LEVEL 5 - OrganismsEntire living things that tidy sum carry out all basic lifeprocesses. Meaning they fag end take in materials, releaseenergy from food, release wastes, grow, respond to theenvironment, and reproduce. commonly made up of organ systems, but an organism maybe made up of only one cell such as bacteria orprotist.Examples - bacteria, amoeba, mushroom, sunflower,human4)1)Atom The smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element.2) Ion An blood cell that has gained or lost electrons thus acquiring a charge.3) Electronegativity The attraction of an fraction for the electrons of a covalent trammel. 4) Hydrogen Bond A font of wispy chemical bond formed when the around positive hydrogen atom of a polar covalent bond in one tittle is attracted to the slightly negative atom a polar covalent bond in another molecule.5) Hydrophilic Having an affinity for water.6) Cohesion The binding together of like molecules, often by hydrogen bonds.7) Capillary action corporeal effect caused by the interactions of a liquid with the walls of a thin tube. The capillary tube effect is a function of the ability of the liquid to wet a particular material.8) organic fertiliser complex Ccontains carbon chemically bound to hydro gen. Organic compounds often contain other elements (particularly O, N, halogens, or S).9) Polar Covalent Compound A type of covalent bond mingled with atoms that differ in electronegativity. The shared electrons are pulled closer to the more electronegative atom, making it slightly negative and the other atom slightly positive. 10) Molecule Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.11) Isotope One of several nuclear forms of an element, each containing a different number of neutrons and thus differing in nuclear mass.12) Ionic bonding A chemical bond resulting from the attraction between oppositely charged ions.13) Nonpolar covalent bond A type of covalent bond in which electrons are shared equally between two atoms of similar electronegativitiy.

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